As an inter-centre programme on new african-asian interactions AFRASO was an interdisciplinary, transregional research project which comprises scholars from various disciplines at Goethe University in Frankfurt a.M.
AFRASO has started on 1 February 2013. With the support of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) the two area studies centres ZIAF (Center for Interdisciplinary African Studies) and IZO (Interdisciplinary Centre for East Asian Studies), both based at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, organize a six-year research programme.
AFRASO is set up as a major research project with national and international scope focusing on the complexity of African-Asian interactions. It is generating new knowledge on contents, forms, and implications of interactions between African and Asian protagonists on both continents and contributes to an innovative reconceptualization of Area Studies through its transregional focus on „Afrasian spaces“.
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Juridicum, Mailbox 21
Senckenberganlage 31
60325 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 (0)69 798-25410
Fax number: +49 (0)69 798-25411
E-Mail: info@afraso.org