14H-15H: Ursula Apitzsch, Lena Inowlocki (Goethe Universität Frankfurt), Catherine Delcroix (Université de Strasbourg, Université de Poitiers, UMR Migrinter, Fellow ICM):
The Friends' Association the Cornelia Goethe Center supports the work of the Center as an indispensable part of science on the path to greater gender equality.
Since 2002, it has awarded the Cornelia Goethe Prize for outstanding work on women's and gender studies.
In this workshop, we depart from feminist theory to explore the academic landscape by putting the experiences of scholarly work and practices at the center. By reflecting upon the university as a place of being and becoming, this workshop aims to connect scholars in a sense of shared experiences.
After a workshop for early career researchers with Kathy Davis, Helma Lutz and Ann Phoenix, the international workshop "Intersectionality as Key Concept for Research on Diversity" is open for everyone interested to join.
In the welcome event of the Cornelia Goethe Centrum with the head of the study program Sarah Speck and the study program coordinator, we introduce the study program, explain the study organization and answer any questions that may arise.
The workshop aims to address current debates relating to the epistemological status of intersectionality as well as its potentials and limitations for individual disciplines and for interdisciplinary research. Particular attention is paid to the potentials and hurdles of the concept of intersectionality as an interdisciplinary analytical tool.
International conference of the research network Migreval, University of Strasbourg, University of Poitiers, Goethe University Frankfurt, funded by Université Franco-Allemande – Deutsch Französische Hochschule (UFA – DFH)
Wednesday, October 9, 14.30-18.30
Chair: Irini Siouti (Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Institute for Migration Research (IMiK), and Institute for Social Research, Goethe University Frankfurt)
Artist talk between Grada Kilomba, Aaliyah Lauterkranz and Lidia Ghirmai. The talk is open to everyone interested without prior registration and free of charge.
“What stories are told? How are they told? Where are they told? And told by whom?”
In an informal lunch setting, we aim to open a space for Grada Kilomba to talk about her experiences and insights into knowledge production within and without academia and the praxis of performing knowledge.