The B.A. minor in Gender Studies consists of 5 modules (3 required, 2 elective). A module is a self-contained thematic unit consisting of several courses. What is behind the term "Credit Point" (CP) and how the individual types of courses differ can be found on the FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions page of the Faculty of Social Sciences. The study regulations, module overviews, a list of the respective module representatives and other documents can be found in the download area.

For the B.A. minor in Gender Studies there is a FAQ on this website.

In detail, the B.A. minor in Gender Studies consists of the following modules (BA NF Gender Studies PO 2022):


Module Aims / Content CP
Basic / compulsary phase
1 Introduction to Gender Studies

Students gain initial orientation and acquire basic knowledge, practical experience, skills and competencies related to:

  • the meaning of 'gender' in different scientific disciplines and fields,
  • the breadth and heterogeneity of theories and research in the field of Gender Studies,
  • the emergence and development of Gender Studies in the context of social movements,
  • the significance of gender studies in different fields of practice,
  • the ability to understand 'gender' as an analytical category and to apply this knowledge,
  • basic skills to recognize and analyze connections between 'gender' and other categories of difference ('race'/ethnicity, social origin, etc.).

Students take an introductory seminar in Gender Studies, one course from the module offerings in the course catalog, and two Interdisciplinary CGColloquia. The two Interdisciplinary CGColloquia can be replaced by a tutorial on the Introduction to Gender Studies (1 SWS/2 CP), depending on what is offered. The module ends with a written exam, term paper or oral exam.

2 Inter-/ Trans­dis­zi­pli­na­ri­ty,
Criticism of science and methods in Gender Studies

Students acquire initial orientation, practical experience, knowledge and skills related to:

  • Gender Studies in the various disciplines in their historical development and in the context of political and institutional frameworks for the production of knowledge,
  • central debates about methods and research paradigms in gender studies,
  • Methods and techniques of scientific analysis in different disciplines and fields,
  • Feminist critique of knowledge and science,
  • the assessment and application of different research methods in Gender Studies.

Students take one Interdisciplinary CGColloquium and two courses from the module offerings in the
Course Catalog. The module concludes with a written exam, term paper or oral exam.

Advanced Phase / Elective Area From 3 modules 2 modules are selected
3 Society, Politics, Law

Students acquire initial orientation, practical experience, knowledge and skills related to:

  • the significance and impact of social, political and legal norms and institutions for the ordering and transformation of gender relations,
  • theoretical concepts and empirical findings on inequality and the intersection of inequality dimensions (gender, class, ethnicity/"race"),
  • theories of gender justice, gender equality policies, gender mainstreaming, international gender norms,
  • the critical exploration and analysis of topics in the field of social sciences and law with a gender perspective,
  • recognizing the significance of the category 'gender' in the context of intersectionality for different subfields of sociology, political science and law,
  • the recognition of disadvantaging structures and policies and the ability to develop perspectives for action in order to open up new and diverse development opportunities.

Students take two courses from the module offerings in the course catalog and complete an independent study. The module ends with a written exam, term paper or oral exam.

4 Culture, Identity, Sexuality

Students acquire initial orientation, practical experience, knowledge and skills related to:

  • the constructions, representations and historical changes of gender in cultural symbolizations,
    hegemonic and subversive imaginaries and conceptions of gender,
  • Dimensions of becoming a subject and identity development,
  • sexuality, body, corporeality and discourse,
    the significance of 'gender' for processes of upbringing, education, socialization and qualification at different stages of life,
  • the perception and analysis of gender figures as central cultural coding media,
  • the understanding of interdependencies between language, identity, subject positions and socio-political structures and hierarchies
  • the critical reflection of gender stereotypes in cultural symbolizations and educational processes.

Students take two courses from the module offerings in the course catalog and complete an independent study. The module ends with a written exam, term paper or oral exam.

5 Current debates and theories in gender studies

Students acquire in-depth knowledge, practical experience and skills related to:

  • Gender Studies in Historical and International Comparison,
  • Debates and Controversies,
  • Objections of post- and decolonial approaches,
  • critique of knowledge and science,
  • the relationship between science, politics and pedagogy,
  • current theoretical developments and perspectives,
  • Impact contexts of gender studies.

Students take two courses from the module offerings in the course catalog and complete an independent study. The module ends with a written exam, term paper or oral exam.

Final phase / compulsory area
6 Specialization

Students deepen theoretical and methodological knowledge, experience and competencies in core areas of their own choice:

  • Inter/Transdisciplinarity. Critique of science and methods in gender studies,
  • Society, politics, law,
  • Culture, identity, sexuality,
  • Advanced theories of gender studies,
  • A current gender research focus from one of the collaborating departments.

Students take two courses from the module offerings in the course catalog and complete an independent study. The module ends with a written exam, term paper or oral exam.