GRADE Center Gender
GRADE Center Gender invites you to a networking meeting in the winter semester 2024/25 for researchers with qualification projects in Gender Studies. After an input on the academic landscape of gender studies by Katharina Hoppe and Sarah Speck, there will be an opportunity for informal exchange.
Panel discussion
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend, PEG
Room 1.G191
The Example of the Hull House Settlement in Chicago
Panel discussion
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend, PEG
Room 1.G191
GRADE Center Gender
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend, PEG
Raum 1.G191
Critical Heritage and Concrete Utopia Based on Red Vienna and New Frankfurt
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend, PEG
Room 1.G191
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend, PEG
Room 1.G191
Arts into Acts and Ethics of Care in Lesvos, Greece
Talk, Conversation
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend, PEG
Room 1.G191
Policies and practices of the repair society
GRADE Center Gender
In this workshop, we depart from feminist theory to explore the academic landscape by putting the experiences of scholarly work and practices at the center. By reflecting upon the university as a place of being and becoming, this workshop aims to connect scholars in a sense of shared experiences.
Panel discussion, Book launch
CGC General
After a workshop for early career researchers with Kathy Davis, Helma Lutz and Ann Phoenix, the international workshop "Intersectionality as Key Concept for Research on Diversity" is open for everyone interested to join.
Angela Davis Guest Professorship
Angela-Davis-Guest Professor 2024: Grada Kilomba
“What stories are told? How are they told? Where are they told? And told by whom?”
In an informal lunch setting, we aim to open a space for Grada Kilomba to talk about her experiences and insights into knowledge production within and without academia and the praxis of performing knowledge.
GRADE Center Gender
Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend, Seminarhaus (SH)
The meeting takes place in SH 0.107.
As speaker of the GRADE Center Gender, Prof. Sarah Speck cordially invites you to a welcome meeting for new members and a networking meeting for all GRADE Gender members.
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Registration necessary:
Whose Knowledges? (Post-)Coloniality and the Art of Collective Empowerment
B-Girls in Practice
Johnson writes about breaking (popularly known as breakdancing) and the foundational aesthetic elements that fuel it as a global phenomenon.
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend, PEG 1.G 191
Whose Knowledges? (Post-)Coloniality and the Art of Collective Empowerment
Gender and school education using the example of a textbook page
The dominant understanding of knowledge and education is that they are something good and desirable. Post- and decolonial perspectives show that education is not good per se. It is a product of powerful production processes that are part of a continuity of coloniality.
GRADE Center Gender
Wie lassen sich klassische (philosophische) Theorien feministisch (um)nutzen?
Die Texte vieler Philosophen, von Aristoteles über Hegel bis zu Heidegger und der zeitgenössischen Philosophie, sind geprägt von androzentrischen und sexistischen Implikationen. Das ‚Männliche‘ wird zum Ideal- oder Normalzustand erhoben, die ‚Frau‘ befindet sich in diesen Texten immer zwischen Inklusion und Exklusion.
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend, PEG 1.G 191
Whose Knowledges? (Post-)Coloniality and the Art of Collective Empowerment
Decolonial artistic and curatorial practice
The TALKING OBJECTS LAB is a research project dedicated to the decolonization of memory and knowledge. Since 2021, it has been unfolding in workshops, think tanks, symposia, artistic interventions and exhibitions in Germany, Senegal, Kenya, Nigeria and on the internet.
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend, PEG 1.G 191
Whose Knowledges? (Post-)Coloniality and the Art of Collective Empowerment
Colonialism, the theft of identities, reparation and cultural restitution
The lecture addresses the urgent question of reshaping the present in the context of German colonial history. Mirrianne Mahn, of German-Cameroonian origin, has a split role - as a German woman who emphasizes the responsibility to come to terms with the colonial past, and as a descendant of victims of colonialism in Cameroon.
GRADE Center Gender
Perspektiven auf Geschlecht in der Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie
Die Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie beschäftigt sich mit gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen Phänomenen, die das Zusammenleben in verschiedenen Gesellschaften prägen. Dabei interessieren sich Sozial- und Kulturanthropolog*innen auch dafür, wie Geschlechterordnungen entstehen und wie diese wiederum auf menschliche Handlungsweisen wirken.
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend, PEG 1.G 191
Whose Knowledges? (Post-)Coloniality and the Art of Collective Empowerment
Insights into research on Fasia Jansen and Contemporary And (C&)
What does it mean to work with an archive about Fasia Jansen, a Black German Holocaust survivor, singer and activist? What are the consequences of the fact that this archive was created mainly from white feminist perspectives?
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend, PEG 1.G 191
Whose Knowledges? (Post-)Coloniality and the Art of Collective Empowerment
Imitations of art and life
Whether in German rap or in code noir: bastard children are everywhere. They occupy us with questions of origin, contamination and desire. Because every bastard child has a mother who gave birth to it. With the fathers, the situation is sometimes less clear.
GRADE Center Gender
Goethe Uni, Campus Westend, IG-Farben-Haus Nebengebäude NG 2.701
Welche (Körper-)Bilder ‚des Jüdischen‘ werden in Kunst und Medien (re-)produziert und verhandelt? Als Orte der kulturellen Bedeutungsproduktion haben künstlerisch-mediale Repräsentationen und die Bilder, die sie hervorringen, einen entscheidenden Anteil an Vorstellungen von Judentum und ‚Jüdischsein‘.
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend, PEG 1.G191
Cultural Specificity and the (In)visibility of Old Age across Film Cultures
It is often said that women become invisible in society after a certain age. However, ageing women have certainly become more visible in European cinema over the last two decades. But how do filmmakers from different parts of Europe negotiate the visibility of ageing women on screen?
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe Uni, Campus Westend, IG-Farben-Haus Media Room 7.214
2022, Comedy Drama, Dir. Dušan Zorić and Matija Gluščević
The film is divided into three chapters, three acts that follow three different lives of a middle-aged woman of the same name – Draginja.
GRADE Center Gender
Goethe Uni, Campus Westend, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften (SKW) 02-A0101
Ein Komplex aus Architektur und (Stadt-)Landschaft, Gebäuden und Gelände und Wegen, die diese miteinander verbinden. Täglich kommen und gehen Hunderte von Menschen, verbringen hier ihre Zeit. Was machen sie an und mit diesem Ort? Was macht dieser Ort mit ihnen?
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend, PEG 1.G191
The Double Standard of Ageing On-screen
Age has always been a factor of great sensitivity in the careers of screen actors. In 1957, Edgar Morin wrote that beauty and youth are the inseparable requirements of film stars.
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend, PEG 1.G191
Figures of Authority, Goddesses of Wisdom, or Mad Rebels, and/or Societal Waste?
In spite of their peripheral situatedness and scarce(er) resources, 21st century European small national cinemas are overrepresented as far as the moving image-based, narrative fictional articulation of the ageing, childless, or infertile woman, fighting an ecological(ly) inspired ‘war’, is concerned.
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe Uni, Campus Westend, IG-Farben-Haus Media Room 7.214
2018, Adventure Comedy Drama, Director Benedikt Erlingsson
Halla is a fifty-year-old independent woman. But behind the scenes of a quiet routine, she leads a double life as a passionate environmental activist. Known to others only by her alias “The Woman of the Mountain,” Halla secretly wages a one-woman-war on the local aluminum industry.
GRADE Center Gender
As speaker of the GRADE Center Gender, Sarah Speck cordially invites you to the networking meeting for GRADE Gender members.
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend, PEG 1.G191
Ageing as Screen Performance
In recent years, several European films released in movie theaters have cast middle-aged stars in order to portray characters of an older age: relevant examples that come to mind are Alex Lutz playing a washed-up pop singer in Guy (Alex Lutz, 2018), Tilda Swinton embodying her character’s mother in The Eternal Daughter (Joanna Hogg, 2022
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe Uni, Campus Westend, IG-Farben-Haus Media Room 7.214
2018, Comedy Drama Music, Dir. Alex Lutz
Gauthier, a young journalist, learns through his mother that he's the illegitimate son of Guy Jamet, an aging French pop singer who was famous from the '60s to the '90s.
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend, PEG 1.G191
Masculinity and Ageing in a Transnational European Context
The decade of the 2010s and the early 2020s have witnessed the release of several high-profile films in different European countries which featured male protagonists over 60 years of age who were faced with reformulations of their notions of maleness and masculinity and subsequent losses of meaning.
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe Uni, Campus Westend, IG-Farben-Haus Media Room 7.214
2019, Drama, Dir. Pedro Almodóvar
PAIN AND GLORY tells of a series of re-encounters experienced by Salvador Mallo (Antonio Banderas), a film director in his physical decline.
Panel discussion
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend, PEG 1.G191
A Dialogue between Gerontology and Cinema Studies
One of the most important characteristics of contemporary societies has been the emergence of the visual and the virtual. Age itself has become a visual phenomenon - whereby the older people, women in particular, have become more strongly defined by their appearance.
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe Uni, Campus Westend, IG-Farben-Haus Media Room 7.214
2006, Comedy Drama, Dir. Bettina Oberli
The movie centers around four older ladies from the Emmental region. When four older women decide to turn the local corner shop into a chic lingerie store, the whole community is thrown into disarray. (
Colloquium, Discussion, Series of lectures
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend, PEG 1.G191
Theorizing Labor With and Against Nature
Eco-Marxist and Marxist feminist thought frequently draws analogies between unwaged reproductive labor and the unvalued activities of nonhuman nature. But what is the basis of this analogy?
Colloquium, Discussion, Series of lectures
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Restorying the (M)Anthropocene
In her prologue to their dialogical text Through Vegetal Being (2016), Luce Irigaray writes to Michael Marder that “coexistence with vegetal being – I could almost say: this vegetal existence – keeps me alive and secretly goes with my words” (7).
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend, PEG 1.191
Theorizing Gender(ed) Violence
A Case Study of Conflict-related Sexual Violence
Over the last twenty years, conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) has become a conspicuous concern of academics, activists, and practitioners. However, fundamental conceptual and political problems are also increasingly visible in the field. I suggest that we now need to turn our attention to knowledge production about gender-based violence.
Cornelia Goethe Colloquia
Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend, PEG 1.G191
I consider the trope of “bad feelings”, set out in this lecture series, to explore the dynamics of shame in contemporary American women’s fiction.
Angela Davis Guest Professorship
Guest professor Ann Phoenix
The fireside conversation is aimed at (PhD) students of the GRADE Centre Gender, interested parties from the administration and management of Goethe University as well as activists of queer-feminist, anti-racist initiatives. The discussion will be moderated by Marianne Schmidbaur and Vanessa Eileen Thompson.