The dominant understanding of knowledge and education is that they are something good and desirable. Post- and decolonial perspectives show that education is not good per se. It is a product of powerful production processes that are part of a continuity of coloniality. In the lecture, I will analyze a textbook page from secondary level 2 as an example, on which colonialism is discussed and the trinity (bell hooks) of white supremacy, capitalism and patriarchy is reinforced. Learning to decode these systems of order, from which racism, sexism, classism and their diverse interplay result, in their subtle variations, can help to interrupt the transmission of colonial knowledge.
The language of the talk is German.

Dr. Yalız Akbaba ist Professorin für Erziehungswissenschaften an der Universität Marburg. Ihre Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte umfassen Diskriminierungskritische Schul-, Unterrichtsforschung und Forschungsmethodologie, sowie Pädagogische Professionalisierung in der Migrationsgesellschaft. Sie ist Herausgeberin (zusammen mit Alisha M.B. Heinemann) vom Band Erziehungswissenschaften dekolonisieren. Theoretische Debatten und praxisorientierte Impulse (erschienen 2023 im Beltz Verlag).
The Cornelia Goethe Colloquia are an open discussion forum for interdisciplinary gender studies. Anyone interested is cordially invited!